Manual Therapy
Manual therapy can help to improve pain, mobility, and enhance body function. Our team, through several different manual therapy techniques like massage, mobility, muscle manipulation, and soft tissue release, can help improve your overall mobility.
What is Manual Therapy?
Manual therapy can be a helpful treatment for extremely tight muscles or joints that are not moving properly.
At Regional Physical Therapy of OKC, we believe in comprehensive care that addresses your unique needs. Our manual therapy program offers a refreshing and effective rehabilitation and pain relief approach. Using various techniques in manual therapy, we help our patients of all ages improve their function, reduce pain, and enhance their quality of life.
Benefits of Manual Therapy
Manual therapy can provide many benefits, including:
Relieve pain
Improve function
Speed up recovery time
Improve mobility
Reduce inflammation
The specific benefits of manual therapy may vary depending on the individual's condition and the specific techniques used. Be sure to contact your physical therapist and see if this treatment is right for you.
Manual Therapy FAQs
Manual therapy and massage therapy are not the same. Both have some of the same techniques, but comprehensively, they are different.
Massage therapy has a primary focus on stress relief and relaxation.
Manual therapy is a more broad term that comprehensively has more techniques. It is used by chiropractors, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and sometimes massage therapists. The overall goal is different from massage therapy. Some goals can be pain management, restore function, or mobility. Manual therapy is used as a therapeutic goal for health professionals and is generally more specific.
Control pain
Facilitate tissue repair
Improve range of motion
Increase tissue extensibility
Manipulate/mobilize soft tissues and joints
Reduce restriction, swelling, and inflammation
Manual therapy can help with a variety of conditions:
Joint pain
Hand and foot issues
Issues caused by an accident
Neck injuries
Neck pain
It's important to consult with a qualified physical therapist to determine if manual therapy is right for you.