Should you stop your hobby forever?

Have you been told that you should "never run/squat/play sport" again because of your injury or health condition? Think again!

Very rarely is there a condition that means you should stop an activity FOREVER. Most of the time, you just need to modify for a period of time to allow your body to heal and recover. But what are you recovering for? TO GET BACK AT IT!

Everything in life has risks. Driving a car, exercising, and even sitting all come with risks. A growing body of research is highlighting the risks of being sedentary on the development of chronic disease, disability, and overall mortality. Meanwhile, research is continuing to show that physical activity and exercise can help combat all these and improve your healthspan.

So if you've ever been told that you will never run, squat, play pickleball, bend or twist, or lift > 10 lbs ever again, have hope. You can. Modify, gradually improve, and get back at it!


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